Expired Patent Awareness System

BDTwo Patent Monitoring

Blooms (Plant Patents), Designs (Design Patents) & Developments (Utility Patents) distributed via Big Data.


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How about Trademark, Articles of Incorporation, and Business Setup Leads?    

This website was custom built to illustrate an idea and capability.

If you would like to implement the system let us know.

Government Use Cases

Knowing what is coming, beforehand, helps Governments craft regulations that address the storm prior to arrival. Preparing for a flood, or competition, instead of reacting to high water during the frenzy is enlightened governance. BDTwo has developed a method for identifying the timeframes on groups of Patents that are coming up for expiration. Knowledge of these impending realities gives governments and regulators the time needed to make rational decisions.

Carefully considering options, implications, and competing interests takes time. Bringing a group to consensus adds to the timeframe required. Trying to do either of these two things at the speed of business leads to irrational, unoptimized, and shortsighted decisions. Large groups of expiring patents will change the business landscape governments are responsible for. Knowing of these expiring patents, the timeframe, and the scope helps Governments make informed decisions prior to the eventualities.

What kind of eventualities can expiring patents fortell?

VRIO Analaysis of Opportunity:

Next Steps to Finding an Expired Patent:

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